Broken Bay Catholic School Parent News

The Broken Bay Catholic School Parents (BBCSP) is the official body recognised by Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) to represent and support the participation of all parents and carers in our Catholic School communities and strengthen the important partnership between parents and school.

Broken Bay Catholic School Parents exists to provide leadership, advocacy and support to all parents with children in Catholic Schools across the Broken Bay diocese encompassing the 3 distinctly unique clusters of Central Coast, North Shore and Northern Beaches.

Broken Bay Catholic School Parents aims to:

  • Support P&F / Parent Teams and their parent community;
  • Promote and strengthen respectful & trusting parent / school partnerships;
  • Be an advocate for parent’s perspectives and a conduit for two-way communication;
  • Strengthen the participation, involvement and engagement of all parents through keeping parents in touch with educational and social issues;
  • Promote the Catholic School parent perspective at all levels School, Parish, Cluster, Diocesan and State.
    ​Consistent with the values of Catholic education, the BBCSP aspires to foster and support a community culture of participation, engagement and learning that is responsive to each individual school community to ensure educational equity and quality faith-filled learning environments for all young people.

For more info please click here to be taken the BBCSP website

Online Learning for Parents and Carers:

Supporting your Child at Home

The Broken Bay Parent Council offers a series of free Online Modules in the Partners in Learning initiative.

These online modules have been designed to provide you, the parents, with short, clear and focussed information and activities that give insights into the current curriculum and to a mix of theory and practical ideas to assist you in supporting your child’s school life.

All modules in the series have been designed to be used in the way that best suits you – independently, or in a group situation, or a combination of both. Each module has been designed to allow you to access the material at your own pace and at a time that suits you and your family so there is no “right” or “wrong” way to approach the topics.


Have you visited these websites?

Council of Catholic School Parents

For more than 20 years the Council of Catholic School Parents (CCSP) has been providing leadership, advocacy and support to Catholic School Parents across NSW/ACT

Partners 4 Learning

Partners4Learning (P4L) provides a portal through which teachers, school administrators and parents can gain access to research, case studies, advice, a bank of practical resources and professional development to support enhanced parent, family and community partnerships within and between school communities.

Upcoming Events :

Stay tuned for more upcoming events

or visit the DPC Website for details!