Parents & Friends Association

Our school is truly blessed by an active and committed Parents & Friends Association (P&F) that enhances a deep sense of belonging and connectedness in our community.

The P&F support us to provide a quality learning experience in a friendly school community by:

  • Hosting social events for families to connect
  • Fundraising for our educational resources and School Improvement Plan
  • Partnering with Catholic School Parents Broken Bay to provide information and seminars to support families with their child’s education

Events the P&F organises each year with the help of our Class Parent Coordinators include:

  • Welcome barbecue
  • Parent social events – trivia night, dinner dance, Mother’s and Father’s Day events
  • Kids’ social events – movie night, disco, games night
  • Sporting and PE events
  • Bunnings band barbecues (organised by band parents)
  • Meal help for families in need
  • Working bees
  • Book club fundraisers

Recent P&F fundraising has enabled the purchase of:

  • Weekly coding classes for K-6
  • Interactive smart boards and air conditioning for every classroom
  • iPads and computers
  • Musical instruments and library resources

Join the P&F

Being involved in your child’s school life is a fulfilling way to support their education and shape St Martin’s future. Joining our P&F is a wonderful way to form lifelong friendships and model our value of service to others for our children.

Our P&F team thrives on the energy and generosity of our parent volunteers. You can participate as little or as much as you like with roles for one-off events or ongoing activities.

Each term the P&F meets to review progress and hear from our Principal and parent committees. P&F meetings are well attended and are a fabulous way for parents to find out what is happening in our school.

All parents and friends of St Martin’s are welcome to attend and raise issues, offer ideas, ask questions or contribute to discussions at these meetings. We would love to hear your ideas and new perspectives so we can continue to improve the P&F and better support our school.

To join St Martin’s P&F, come along to a quarterly meeting as advertised in the school newsletter or email the P&F Executive Team on You can also feel free to contact the Executive Team with suggestions, comments or questions. Meetings are held each term.

2024 P&F Executive Members Team are:

Presidents – Tom Watkins and Fraser Turnbull

Treasurer – Lindsay Gilroy

BBCSP rep – Kim Grunig

Co-Secretary – Amber Mordaunt and Brooke Du Ross