Extra-curricular Opportunities

Enrich your child’s learning with extra curricular activities that support our academic curriculum. These are additional opportunities for your child to extend their interest in a wonderful range of pathways and include:

Band program

Our Training Band and Concert Band are a credit to the musical talent of our students. All our bands are led by our Band Director and music tutors who are professional musicians.

Band students perform at a variety of community events including the Mall Music Concert and the NSSWE Spring Festival at Chatswood Concourse, eisteddfods and special functions. Band Day and Solo Night are also annual highlights held at school.


Flex your brain muscles and learn chess with a qualified chess teacher. Students compete in regular chess competitions with students from other schools. St Martin’s hosts “The Great Chess Competition” each year and all children are invited to participate.


Students from Year 3 and older are encouraged to join the Choir which is conducted by our Creative Arts teacher. Students are involved in the choice of music and have many performance opportunities during the year, including the Lion’s Community Christmas Concert, the Mall Music Concert, pre-school performances, local community and school events.


Every student from K-6 participates in weekly coding sessions run by Code4Fun. These lessons are funded by the P&F and the school. Extra Curricular Coding Classes are also available one morning a week before school.

Senior debating

Sharpen your child’s critical thinking, listening and public speaking skills with our debating team. Students follow a comprehensive program in these critical life skills. Each year, debating students compete in the Independent Schools Debating Association competition and the Northern Beaches Debating Competitions, and perform at a wonderfully high standard.

Fitness sessions

The student leadership ministry team for sport leads fitness sessions for the whole school which gives an energetic start to the day and gets everyone moving.

Maths Challenge

A team of Stage 3 students is chosen to represent St Martin’s in the Maths Challenge each year. Students have the opportunity to test their mathematical skills and reasoning against their peers at other local Catholic schools.

Public speaking

All students from K-6 learn public speaking so they can build confidence and public speaking skills right from the early years. Every year we hold a school public speaking competition for all years. Winners in the senior years move on to represent St Martin’s at district and diocesan levels.

Quiet area lunch time clubs

At lunch time children are welcome to participate in a choice of clubs. Each club is developed with student input to cater for popular interests:

  • Lego Club
  • Chess Club
  • Drawing and Colouring Club

The Library is also open for children to enjoy at lunch time when the Librarian is supervising.

Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy

External specialists in speech therapy and OT visit the school each week for children needing support in these areas. We encourage a collaborative approach between therapists, class teachers and parents to ensure effective therapy.


Stage 2 and 3 students participate in a Stage STEM Fair at school. Students are then selected to participate in the Northern Beaches STEM Fair.

Beach Awareness Programs

Our primary students in Years 3-6 participate in an annual Beach Awareness Program, which covers surf safety, skills and survival.


Start the day feeling relaxed, positive and ready to learn. Yoga is held every Tuesday at 8.15 – 8.45am in the Library and is open to all students.